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A Tour of the Hawkfarm Eyrie

Run time: 13:48 minutes

January 10, 2011

Synthia and Sylvia sailed the Hawkfarm Eyrie doublehanded in the 2004 Pacific Cup. They won their division. Then Synthia sailed Eyrie singlehanded in the 2006 Singlehanded TransPac - and won her division. This December, Synthia Petroka and Sylvia Seaberg brought the Eyrie up the San Rafael Canal to Bow Yoga, where the two gave a presentation on racing in the Pacific Cup. After the talk, seminar-goers were invited aboard Eyrie for a tour.

Thanks to Julie Lucchesi and Bow Yoga for hosting all of us.

This movie is in Quicktime. If you don't have it you can get it for free here.